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안녕하세요, 저는 마리아입니다...
你好,我 是 玛丽亚。很高兴认识你。..

An Indonesian girl who loves to listen to East Asian music more than Western Music..
Favorite artists are Wang Lee Hom, SS501, Shinhwa, Super Junior, Big Bang, etc..
Welcome to 我的家
Wednesday, March 21, 2012Y

... I've noticed again how life doesn't go like you want to. We all wish we would have a perfect life with having a perfect job and perfect families and friends surround you, but in reality it's just like wishing something that will never happen.

My family is not perfect, it never is. In one day there would be laughter, tears, shouts, and quietness. I never expect things like the recent happenings would happen in my family (won't say what, but it is bad...) since I know that my family have seen the result of it. I just dislike that person for doing it, but I wish that person would listen and correct themselves for it. At least show us the right attitude. I won't go on, but I just hate it...

People probably think working at home with their parents is an easy job.. I think otherwise.. My job is basically 24/7.. They can tell me to do stuff at any day of the week and at any time of the day.. Yes there is rest and stuff, but it is a lot of pressure.

Sometimes I would like to turn back the time and enjoy my happy time, hey who doesn't want that?! I guess everything happens for a reason... I know God have something better in store for me and my family.

I am not complaining, just want to let it out. As long as my family and friends are safe and healthy, I'm happy.

ends at 11:39 AM

Sunday, March 18, 2012Y
B2ST Beautiful Show Indonesia 2012

I haven't blog in...... ages.. well I saved some, but didn't post it.

This blog is dedicated to Beast since I watched their concert last night, March 17, 2012.

I didn't wait in line from 9 at all.. I came to the venue at 3:30ish and I lined up by myself. Later on, Fany from Surabaya and her friend Nuni from Bandung joined me. Before that Cube people go around to sell Posters (Rp. 150,000,- for 1 set which is 6 individual posters) but I didn't buy since I don't know where to put 6 posters.. >.<

The lining up was not bad actually, but when the time has getting closer, the fans become crazy and just go went to the door, thankfully the crew told them to go to the end of the line. When we got into the festival I was standing at this barrier and there was this girl that STAYED behind me and keep pushing me until I had enough (which was after the first song, special).. I went to the back and the view was much better. I also went to the back because there is a dude that have big sign up.. I was going crazy with all the things around me.. At the back I recorded their performance of "Shock"

Then I decided to take a few pictures and just enjoy the concert since I know there are thousands of fans that record and take better pictures than I tried to do.. So, these are the pictures and videos I took during the concert.. It is not a lot since I want to enjoy the concert as much as I can.. =D

"Thanks To (Yoseob & Junhyung)"

"On Rainy Days (비가 오는 날엔)"

"The Fact"


I uploaded the pictures here

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ends at 2:11 AM

Monday, May 17, 2010Y
More concerts...

2 more concerts added to the list...

Rainie Yang and Luo Zhi Xiang (Show Luo)'s concerts... Within about 2 weeks I went to these 2 concerts and I enjoyed it!

Rainie's concert is more of a dreamland, fairytale, circus, girly kinda concert where as Xiao Zhu is more into the entertaining, dancing all out, powerful kind of concert.. I didn't really like Xiao Zhu before because his voice was not that good (that's my personal opinion..) but now he is an improved performer... his voice is much more stable and his dancing is much more powerful.. Rainie's voice has always been nice and stable.. I like it..

Sammie Cheung (did I spell it right?) was Xiao Zhu's guest.. I know who she is, but did not know any of her song... but she was not bad!! so energetic.. ^o^

Rainie's concert started out good, but towards the end was a bit bored.. its probably just me.. but yeah.. Jerry Yan was the guest.. eeeehhhhh.. no comment..

Xiao Zhu's concert was good through out.. it was spread out evenly.. which is good.. =D and also Da Lang was back!! yayy!!

anywhoo.. these past week Ling and I have been hunting for Mayday's concert tix.. and WE GOT IT!! row 1 65&66!! yayyy!! FIRST ROW BABY!! ^^

peace out!

ends at 8:47 AM

Thursday, April 22, 2010Y

These few days I've been back to my dancing mode.. I attend classes at HRC again! I'll attend their classes until Late November! YAYY!! I still have a lot of time to gain dancing knowledge! Lately I haven't try any Korean groups dances, except for After School's Bang, that song's dance just catches my attention.. In Taiwan, Beast's song Shock has been played over and over and over again.. made me curious about their dance because it looks nice... later I found out Prepix choreographed it.. no wonder its so cool!! so I checked youtube and saw the dance.. made me want to learn it, so I checked the slow one and mirrored.. now, my goal is to learn that dance.. ^^ I got the chorus memorized, it was not as hard as I thought. ^^ but I still need to smooth it out.. I tried to dance along some old Korean songs and I barely remember any of it.. aaaahhhh!! how can I not remember it?! I need to check their performances again.. *sigh*

Today, randomly, I'm in a photoshop-ing mood. and out of all pictures, I chose Ashin from Mayday picture.. hahahah~ this is the end result.. ^^

like it?? ^^

that's it then.. i'm just too random now.. :p

ends at 8:22 AM

Saturday, March 27, 2010Y
JJ 林俊傑 326 Birthday Party (Mini Concert) Report

Since they will be giving out numbers at 5, Fany and I decided to go there at 11ish. The weather that day was cold and windy.. not sunny at all! We wait and wait more people came.. We got our food, Starbucks, and 暖暖包 that's all we need. Oh, and we also heard the man himself rehearsing inside. Envy him for not being in the cold. >.<

At 4pm the merchandise came and we decided to buy the whole bag that consist of T-shirt, lanyard, phone strap, pins, and poster. The bag itself has his picture on it. At 5.30ish they started giving out the numbers and we were number 105-109. So we went to get food after then go back there at 7ish? Because they started to line up the audiences according to the numbers. We got a good seat though, I was next to the stage.. The stage was nice, like a Fashion Show Runway which is not bad at all.

I totally forgot the order of songs for this concert.. It was 2 weeks ago.. hahahha~ or more? If its wrong, then sorry...~

The first song he sang was 第幾個100天.. Since the Piano is across from me, I can't see him playing the piano, but the voice was heavenly.. then he moved to the other end of the runway and sang his old song.. 翅膀 Wings.. I haven't heard him sing this song live... hahahha~ The first thing I noticed was the bling bling microphone, his bling bling belt, etc.. so bling bling that night.. hahahaha~ Then he sang 背對背擁抱... love that song!! ^^ during most of his slow songs, he stayed on the front of the runway.. so I just look at his back and look at the band, which I think is awesome by the way.. I'm liking the stage setting and the band.. ^^ Then he sang a more upbeat song... opened by a Saxophone player, which was breathtaking, since he held on the note for a while that took a long breath!! haahahha.. the song was 無法克制.. I've heard him sang this song while waiting outside.. he keep on practicing this song.. hahahaha~ the next song he sat down.. 一個有一個.. a slow jazzy song.. its either before or after, but he sang 豆漿油條... it was cute.. i think this song was more like in the beginning.. because he asked if anybody had soy bean milk.. somebody had it and he drank it and gave it back to the fans.. they were fighting over it.. hahahahah~ funny sight.. :p It started because a fan gave a doll that look like 油條.. hahahha~ I remembered he sang 小酒窩.. without the girl.. so the fans sang it... ^^ he's so interactive that night, which I like.. ^^

He went back to the piano and sang Rick Price's Heaven Knows.. seriously this song is an oldie but a good one!! I sang the whole time.. its either he sang it wrong or I remembered it wrong.. the lyrics I meant.. the guitarist kept on looking at me since probably I sang the whole time while moving to side to side with a big smile on my face!! hahahahaahha~ Then he also sang a compilations of Chinese songs.. the first one was 記得.. and something else.. can't remember, but 記得 was so good!! I really like that song.. he did it nicely.. ^^

He invited the girl that did the demo for
媽媽的娜魯娃, her name is 小愛.. she did great! she looked nervous, but she still did great.. JJ played the piano.. its a good combo.. then he sang 轉動 and 加油... which closed the night.. but then he came out again and wanted to make an MV for 媽媽的娜魯娃.. random huh?! then afterwards we had to go outside because there is an autograph signing.. He signed my poster, CD, and Lia's CD.. It was a good one.. He looked so happy during the signing.. so I just said, HAPPY early BIRTHDAY! and he said, thank you! its tomorrow! I replied saying, no, its in a couple of hours.. hahahaha~ he smiled.. then the FC did a quick happy birthday song.. btw, during the concert (forgot after what song) 2 fans went up and brought a cake.. and everybody sang the birthday song.. there are also videos of fans around the world and the launch of the website? I can't remember well.. there are a representative from each FC of JJ Federation and signed something..

the whole thing was fun.. and I liked it since its a small concert.. sitting down too!! ^^ hopefully before i go back to Indo, I am able to go to this kind of small concert again... ^^

its been a while i haven't done a report.. :p

ends at 9:24 AM

Monday, February 8, 2010Y
I want to forget my past... if I can

I admit I never really forget him, the person whom I once loved, but I don't want him to keep coming into my head over and over again. I've been to two countries after I'm with him, trying to meet new friends and forget the past, but it still doesn't work. Once in a while, I would be at the verge of tears because I suddenly miss him. I don't want to completely forget him, I really don't, but I don't want to be like this, feeling sad and regretting of what I have done and what I have failed to do. Why am I writing this? Its because of the dream I had 2 nights ago.

The dream was I went to someone's house with somebody (I forgot, either family or friend), I know the person but I can't remember whose house it was, and there he was living in that house. I clearly remembered what he look like. In that dream we were talking and remembering the old times, just the two of us and try to swap numbers so that we can keep in touch, but I didn't have my phone and don't remember my phone number at that time. After I remember it, he was busy with others (it was like a small party of some sort) and I am basically trying to get his attention and all that.

I personally didn't want to wake up from that dream since I missed him too much.. Many people, including myself, have been saying, "Forget him. He's no use of remembering. He was a jerk!" Yeah I've said it to myself, but I was completely head over heels with this guy, no matter who I'll date or marry in the future, I know there will always be a part of him in my heart. I really wish him the best and have a great future. I wish he is okay and not hurt. If I can forget the past, I want to forget him and us, since I don't want to be sad and sappy out of nowhere.

ends at 7:34 AM

Monday, January 4, 2010Y

2009 has been a good year for me.. I have been living in a new place, new experiences, new friends, new surrounding, basically.. new life.. I've been learning Chinese in Taipei for almost a year now and I am actually having fun. Yes, there are ups and downs, but every year there is always ups and downs.

I've met and said goodbye to many people.. I got a new family member... and I opened up my eyes more on Chinese music than before. I know a lot more artist and grew to like them a lot.. but I still haven't forget the love I have for Korean music though! It is still and probably always be there.. :p I've seen 3 Lee Hom's Campus Tour, Khalil Fong's Concert, Mayday Concert, Wilber Pan's Concert, SS501 Fan Meeting, and Super Junior-M Fan Meeting. Many huh? but I like it and enjoyed it... ^^ I don't want to count how many signings I've attended.. oh and by middle of this year I started to go to Bai Fen Bai recording... which has its ups and downs on the punctuality.. >.<

2009 is the first time I haven't spend my Xmas and New Year time with family... and the first time I've experience it while having classes.. awesome huh?! >.< but I missed them so much.. *sigh*

2010 is here.. and I don't have any resolution yet.. I just want my Chinese to improve a lot... I want to see more concert, to be exact JJ Lin, LeeHom, and maybe Mayday concert again.. hahahaha~ so yeah... don't really have any expectation for this year.. >.< never do actually :p

ends at 6:30 AM