These few days I've been back to my dancing mode.. I attend classes at HRC again! I'll attend their classes until Late November! YAYY!! I still have a lot of time to gain dancing knowledge! Lately I haven't try any Korean groups dances, except for After School's Bang, that song's dance just catches my attention.. In Taiwan, Beast's song Shock has been played over and over and over again.. made me curious about their dance because it looks nice... later I found out Prepix choreographed it.. no wonder its so cool!! so I checked youtube and saw the dance.. made me want to learn it, so I checked the slow one and mirrored.. now, my goal is to learn that dance.. ^^ I got the chorus memorized, it was not as hard as I thought. ^^ but I still need to smooth it out.. I tried to dance along some old Korean songs and I barely remember any of it.. aaaahhhh!! how can I not remember it?! I need to check their performances again.. *sigh*
Today, randomly, I'm in a photoshop-ing mood. and out of all pictures, I chose Ashin from Mayday picture.. hahahah~ this is the end result.. ^^
like it?? ^^
that's it then.. i'm just too random now.. :p